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Antipolo City 1870
DESCRIPTION : PENECRETE MORTAR™ consists of Portland cement, specially treated quartz sand and a compound of active chemicals. The active chemicals react with moisture and the byproducts of cement hydration to cause a catalytic reaction, which generates an insoluble integral crystalline complex. These crystalline complexes grow in the presence of water; block the capillaries of the concrete and minor shrinkage cracks, thus waterproofing it. Chemical activation begins when the powder is mixed with water and may take several days to completely block the capillaries depending on ambient temperature and environmental conditions.
Applied in conjunction with PENETRON® for : Installation of seal strips, reglets and coves at joints to assure water tightness Patching of tie holes and faulty construction joints Patching and filling of routed out cracks Repairing of spalled and honeycombed areas
Surface preparation:
All surfaces to be patched, repaired or sealed with PENECRETE MORTARTM
must be clean and sound. Cracks should be routed out to a U-shaped
configuration, approximately 3/4” (19 mm) wide and a minimum of 3/4” (19
mm) deep. Tie holes should be roughened prior to filling. Spalled and
honeycombed areas must be thoroughly cleaned and chiseled back to sound
concrete prior to repair. Remove all dirt, cement laitance, form release agents,
curing compounds, paints, coatings, etc. by means of wet or dry sandblasting,
high pressure water jet or other suitable mechanical means. Surfaces must be
well moistened to a dull dampness at the time of application. The concrete
should be damp with no wet sheen on the surface.
Routed cracks, coves and non-moving joints: Add water to PENECRETE
MORTARTM until a medium stiff, trowelable consistency is reached. The texture
of the mix should be pliable enough to be trowelled into the cracks with some
pressure, but not so pliable that it would run out or sag out of the crack.
Approximate mixing ratio (by volume) is 4.5 parts powder to 1 part water.
Alternatively, 3.4 oz (101 ml) of water to 1 lb (454 g) of PENECRETE MORTARTM
Tie holes and pointing applications: Add only a small amount of water. Mixed
consistency should be that of “dry earth,” holding a shape when squeezed in
your hand but easily crumbled when pressed between fingers. Mix only as
much material as can be used within 20 minutes.
Cracks/seal strips (reglets & coves): After proper surface preparation and
routing to appropriate configuration, prime areas to be patched or repaired
with a slurry coat of PENETRON® and while “green” (tacky), fill cavity flush to
surface with PENECRETE MORTARTM in mortar consistency.
Spalled and honeycombed areas:
Prepare surface and chisel back to sound
concrete. Prime area to be repaired with a slurry coat of PENETRON®. While
still “green” (tacky), apply PENECRETE MORTARTM in layers of 1/2” (13 mm) not
to exceed 2.5“ (6.4 cm). Each layer should be allowed to set long enough that it
will leave only a slight indent, approximately 1/16” (1.6 mm) when pressed with
a finger. Where possible, the surface of the repair should be packed tightly
using a hammer and block of wood.
Tie holes and pointing applications:
Prepare surface and chisel back to sound
concrete. Prime area to be repaired with a slurry coat of PENETRON® and
while still “green” (tacky), apply PENECRETE MORTARTM in “dry earth”
consistency. PENECRETE MORTARTM should be tightly rodded into tie holes or
packed tightly using a hammer and block of wood.
For all applications, PENETRON® should be applied as a surface
treatment as soon as PENECRETE MORTARTM has set (approximately 1-2
hours). If this is not practical, leave surface rough for subsequent surface
treatment to bond.
Repairing of spalled and honeycombed areas
Provide protection against extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain or
freezing conditions, during the setting period. Curing is not normally required
except during hot, low humidity weather. In these conditions, a light mist of
water approximately 24 hours after the repair is completed will help to ensure a
controlled cure. In extreme dry heat, water misting may be required more