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Antipolo City 1870


DESCRIPTION : PENETRON ADMIX® (integral crystalline water- proofing admix) is added to the concrete mix at the time of batching. PENETRON ADMIX® consists of Portland cement and various active, proprietary chemicals. These active chemicals react with the moisture in fresh concrete and with the by-products of cement hydration to cause a catalytic reaction, which generates a non-soluble crystalline formation throughout the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete. Thus, the concrete becomes permanently sealed against the penetration of water or liquids from any direction. The concrete is also protected from deterioration due to harsh environmental conditions.
PENETRON ADMIX® has been specially formulated to meet varying project and temperature conditions (see Setting time and strength). Consult with a Penetron technical representative for additional detailed support on your project.


Sewage and water treatment plants

Secondary containment structures

Tunnels and subway systems

Underground vaults


Parking structures

Swimming pools

Precast, cast-in-place and shotcrete applications


Dosage rate:

0.8-1.0% by weight of cement. Consult with Penetron’s Technical Depart- ment for assistance in verifying the appropriate dosage rate and for further information regarding enhanced chemical resistance and optimum concrete performance for your project.

PENETRON ADMIX® must be added to the concrete at the time of batching.

The sequence of procedures for addition will vary according to the type of batch plant operation and equipment. The following are some typical mixing guidelines. For more detailed information on dosing procedures, contact your Penetron representative.

Ready mix plant - Dry batch operation: Add PENETRON ADMIX® in powder form to the drum of the ready-mix truck. Drive the truck under the batch plant and add 60%-70% of the required water, along with 300-500 lb (136-227 kg) of aggregate. Mix the materials for 2-3 minutes to ensure the PENETRON ADMIX® is distributed evenly throughout the mix water. Add the balance of materials to the ready-mix truck in accordance with standard batching practices.
Ready mix plant - Central mix operation: Mix PENETRON ADMIX® with water to form a very thin slurry (e.g. 40 lb (18 kg) of powder mixed with 6 gallons (22.7 l) of water). Pour the required amount of material into the drum of the ready-mix truck. The aggregate, cement, sand and water should be batched and mixed in the plant in accordance with standard practices (taking into account the quantity of water that has already been placed in the ready-mix truck). Pour the concrete into the truck and mix for at least 5 minutes to ensure even distribution of PENETRON ADMIX® throughout the concrete.
Precast batch plant: Add PENETRON ADMIX® to the rock and sand, then mix thoroughly for 2-3 minutes before adding the cement and water. The total concrete mass should be blended using standard practices.

NOTE: It is important to obtain a homogeneous mixture of PENETRON ADMIX® with the concrete. Therefore, do not add dry PENETRON ADMIX® powder directly to wet concrete as this may cause clumping and thorough dispersion will not occur. For further information regarding the proper use of PENETRON ADMIX® for a specific project, consult with a Penetron technical representative.

Setting time and strength:
The setting time of concrete is affected by the chemical and physical composition of ingredients, temperature of the concrete and climatic conditions. Retardation of set may occur when using PENETRON ADMIX®. The amount of retardation will depend upon the concrete mix design and the dosage rate of PENETRON ADMIX®. However, under normal conditions, PENETRON ADMIX® will provide a normal set concrete. Concrete containing PENETRON ADMIX® may develop higher ultimate strengths than plain concrete. Trial mixes should be carried out under project conditions to determine setting time and strength of the concrete.
Concrete treated with PENETRON ADMIX® should be placed and finished in accordance with good concrete practices. ACI guidelines and recommendations should be observed.